Date Scripture Sermon Title Sermon Series Preacher Service Theme Congregational Singing
1/5/24 Psalm 139:13-16 Who Are the Pre-Born? Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Daniel Eichelberger God Hears the Prayers of the Oppressed 1. How Deep the Father's Love; 2. O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer; 3. Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul; 4. My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less; 5. Soon and Very Soon
1/12/25 Romans 13:11-14 "Wake Up!" Start Strong! Daniel Eichelberger God's Word Gives Life 1. Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God; 2. Trust and Obey; 3. Speak, O Lord; 4. Standing on the Promises; 5. I Will Delight 
1/19/25 Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:6-11 "Go Out!" Start Strong! Daniel Eichelberger God Is King Over All the Earth 1. God Is Over All; 2. All Praise to Him; 3. How Great Thou Art; 4. Good and Gracious King; 5. I Will Sing
1/26/25 Luke 10:25-37 "Reach Out!" Start Strong! Daniel Eichelberger The Lord Is Merciful and Gracious 1. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing; 2. And Can It Be That I Should Gain; 3. It Is Well; 4,. Amazing Grace; 5. The Name of the Lord
2/2/25 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 and Colossians 4:5-6 "Love On" Start Strong! Daniel Eichelberger God Is Love 1. The Love of the Father; 2. How Deep the Father's Love; 3. What a Friend We Have in Jesus; 4. Oh, the Deep, Deep Love; 5. My First Love
2/9/25 Luke 11:1-13 "Pray Up" Start Strong! Daniel Eichelberger The Lord Hears Our Prayers 1. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms; 2. What a Friend We Have in Jesus; 3. A Christians' Daily Prayer; 4. I Asked the Lord That I May Grow; 5. Glory, Glory