Adult Sunday School:

Biblical Theology for Practical Living 

Adult Sunday School

PBC’s Adult Sunday School is designed to provide believers with a biblical theology that informs their minds, ignites their hearts for Christ, and compels them to live for Christ.

While our Sunday worship services provide a book-by-book biblical exposition of God’s Word, our Adult Sunday School is designed primarily to provide an interactive environment to learn what all of God’s Word says about particular scriptural topics, such as “Marriage,” “The Church,” “How to Know God’s Will,” “Prayer,” “Apologetics,” “Church History,” and more.

Adult Sunday School meets Sunday mornings before service at 9:30 a.m. and is designed in such a way that you can attend every class or one class and still walk away encouraged and equipped to live life as a Christian.

For this season, Providence is not offering Children's Ministry during the Adult Sunday School Hour.  

Day and Time: Sundays, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Best Place to Park:
In the Back Lot
PBC Green Room


 Current Adult Sunday School Series:  


Finding Jesus in the Old Testament

Fall 2024 Adult Sunday School


  1. 10/13, “(Class 1) Introduction to the Old Testament and Messiah” (Daniel Y.)
  2. 10/20, “(Class 2) Building a Messianic Profile, Part 1” (Daniel Y)
  3. 10/27, “(Class 3) Building a Messianic Profile, Part 2” (David G.)
  4. 11/03, “(Class 4) Messiah in the Torah” (David G.)
  5. 11/10, “(Class 5) Messiah in the Prophets” (Tim G.)
  6. 11/17, “(Class 6) The Servant Songs of Isaiah(James P.)
  7. 11/24, “(Class 7) Christophany and the Angel of the Lord” (Daniel E.)

12/01, No Class: Thanksgiving Weekend

  1. 12/08, “(Class 8) Messiah in the Writings” (Tim G.)
  2. 12/15, “(Class 9) The Messiah in Jewish Tradition” (Daniel Y.)


Baptist Essentials: What We Believe and Why

  1. 4/28, “What Is a Church?” (Daniel Y) 
  2. 5/5, “Church Membership” (Tim G.)
  3. 5/12, “Church Discipline, Part 1” (Daniel Y.)
  4. 5/19, “Church Discipline, Part 2” (David G.)

5/26, No Class: Memorial Day Weekend 

6/2, Class Cancelled

  1. 6/9, “Ordinances: Baptism,” (Daniel E.)
  2. 6/16, “Ordinances: Lord's Supper” (Daniel E.)
  3. 6/23, “Church Polity - Congregationalism” (Tim G.)
  4. 6/30, “Church Polity - Elders” (Daniel Y.)

7/7, No Class: Independence Day Weekend

  1. 7/14, “The Church Gathered, Part 1” (David G.)
  2. 7/21, “The Church Gathered, Part 2” (David G.)


Past Adult Sunday School Series and Classes


How to Study the Bible (February 2024-April 2024)

  1. 2/4: “The Inductive Bible Study Method, Part 1” 
  2. 2/11: “The Inductive Bible Study Method, Part 2” 
  3. 2/18: “Studying the Old Testament” 
  4. 2/25: “Studying the New Testament”
  5. 3/3: “The Bible’s Genres, Part 1”
  6. 3/10: “The Bible’s Genres, Part 2"
  7. 3/17: “Other Bible Study Tools, Part 1” 
  8. 3/24: “Other Bible Study Tools, Part 2”
  9. 3/31: No Class: Easter Break
  10. 4/7: “Studying Difficult Passages, Part 1”
  11. 4/14: "Studying Difficult Passages, Part 2”


Understanding Puzzling Bible Passages (September 2023-December 2023)

Understanding Puzzling Bible Passages is a series designed to help you read the Bible better and to help resolve some of Scripture’s most puzzling passages.

  1. 9/17: “Where on Earth Did Cain’s Wife Come From?” (Genesis 4:10-17)
  2. 9/24: “What Is the Sin of Ham and the Curse of Canaan?” (Genesis 9:20-27)
  3. 10/1: “Is It a Sin for Christians to Get Tattoos?” (Leviticus 19:28)
  4. 10/8: “If the Bible Is Inerrant, Then Why Does It Seem to Get Saul’s Reign Wrong?” (1 Samuel 13:1)
  5. 10/15: “Does God Take Away the Holy Spirit from Christians?” (Psalm 51:10-11)
  6. 10/22: “Are the Jehovah’s Witnesses Right? Is Jesus a Lesser God?” (John 1:1-2)
  7. 10/29: “Does the Bible Teach Socialism?” (Acts 2:42-46)
  8. 11/5: “Are Mormons Right about Baptizing the Dead” (1 Corinthians 15:29)
  9. 11/12: “Do Christians Still Have Sin Natures?” (Romans 6:6)
  10. 11/19: “What Does It Mean to Hand a Church Member Over to Satan?” (1 Corinthians 5:1-5)

11/26, No Class: Thanksgiving Break

  1. 12/3: “What Is the Sin That Leads to Death?” (1 John 5:16-17)
  2. 12/10: “Are the Cults Correct? Is Jesus a Created Being?” (Colossians 1:15)


Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: What the Bible Says about Men and Women in the Family, Church, and World  (January 2022-June 2023) 

  1. January 22: Biblical Theology on Masculinity and Femininity, Part 1
  2. January 29: Biblical Theology on Masculinity and Femininity, Part 2
  3. February 5: Biblical Masculinity, Part 1
  4. February 12: Biblical Masculinity, Part 2
  5. February 19: Biblical Masculinity, Part 3
  6. February 26: Biblical Femininity, Part 1
  7. March 5: Biblical Femininity, Part 2
  8. March 12: Biblical Femininity, Part 3
  9. March 19: Men and Women in the Family, Part 1
  10. March 26: Men and Women in the Family, Part 2
  11. April 2: Men and Women in the Family, Part 3
  12. April 9: No Class, Easter
  13. April 16: Men and Women in the Church, Part 1
  14. April 23: Men and Women in the Church, Part 2
  15. April 30: Men and Women in the Church, Part 3
  16. May 7: Egalitarianism and Complementarianism, Part 1
  17. May 14: Egalitarianism and Complementarianism, Part 2
  18. May 21: Egalitarianism and Complementarianism, Part 3
  19. May 28: No Class, Memorial Day Holiday
  20. June 4: Men and Women in the World, Part 1
  21. June 11: Men and Women in the World, Part 2
  22. June 18: Sexual Confusion
  23. June 25: Sex, Marriage, and Same-Sex Attraction


Heresies: How to Tell Truth from Lies (September 2022-November 2022) 

The Apostle Paul commanded that anyone who preaches a different gospel in the church should be accursed (Galatians 1:8). And for the first three centuries of Christianity, followers of Jesus were persecuted and martyred for doing just that, protecting the truth of the gospel from various heresies.

Learn how to tell gospel truth from anti-gospel lies at Providence's newest Adult Sunday School series, Heresies: How to Tell Truth from Lies.

September 18--“Why Heresies?”

September 25-- “The Ebionites: I Follow Jesus Not the Apostle Paul”

October 2--"Gnostics: Super Spiritual Knowledge"

October 9--"Marcionites: Good God, Bad God, and Goodbye Old Testament"

October 16--“Modalism: One God, Different Masks”

October 23--“Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and Arianism”

October 30--“The Council of Nicaea: Capitalism, Created Doctrine, or Christian Creed”

November 6--"Apollinarianism: God become Man or God in Costume?"

November 13--"Nestorianism: Two Natures in Christ or Two Christs?"

November 20--"How to Spot and Avoid Heresies"


Proclaim: The What and How of Evangelism (February 2022-June 2022)

  • February 6: “Are You into What God’s Up To? Evangelism and God’s Purpose in Human History” (Part 1) 
  • February 13: “Are You into What God’s Up To? Evangelism and God’s Purpose in Human History” (Part 2) 
  • February 20: What Is Our Role in Evangelism? Man’s Inability 
  • February 27: What Is Our Role in Evangelism? God’s Sovereignty, Man's Responsbility
  • March 6: What Is the Gospel? Defining the Truth that Saves Sinners 
  • March 13: So, What Happened to You? Learning How to Proclaim the Gospel through Your Testimony 
  • March 20: They Believe This Too? The Local Church and the Power of Corporate Witness 
  • March 27:  No Class
  • April 3: What If They're Undecided?
  • April 10: What If They Reject Me? Rejection, Follow-up, and the Fear of Man
  • April 17: Easter Break
  • April 24: But What if They Ask…? Answering Objections to the Gospel 
  • May 1: How Do I Get Started? Being Intentional and Strategic in Evangelism 
  • May 8: How Do I Proclaim the Gospel to Family and Co-Workers?
  • May 15:  How Do I Proclaim the Gospel to Catholics?
  • May 22: No Adult Sunday School
  • May 29: No Adult Sunday School
  • June 5: How Do I Proclaim the Gospel to Jews?
  • June 12: How Do I Proclaim the Gospel to Muslims?
  • June 19: Questions and Answers on Evangelism


Life Together: How the Church Displays the Gospel (August 2021 through December 2021)

Class 1: “Family Unity,” 8/15

Class 2: “Belonging to God’s Family,” 8/22

Class 3: “Unity in Diversity,” 8/29

Labor Day Break: 9/5

Class 4: “How We Speak God’s Word Today,” 9/12

Class 5: “How Praying Together Shapes the Church,” 9/19

Class 6: “Discipleship in God's Family, Part 1," 9/26

Class 7: “Discipleship in God's Family, Part 2," 10/3

Class 8: “Discipleship in God's Family, Part 3," 10/10

Class 9: “Fellowship with One Another,” 10/17

Class 10: “Discontentment in God’s Family,” 10/24

Class 11: “Leadership in the Family of God,” 10/31

Class 12: “Discipline in the Family of God,”  11/7

Class 13: “Encouragement in the Family of God,” 11/14

Class 14: “Serving and Giving in the Family of God,” 11/21

Class 15: "Worship in the Family of God,” 11/28

Class 16: “Inviting Others into God’s Family,” 12/5

Class 17: "Questions and Answers about Life Together," 12/12


Why We Can Trust the Bible (April 2021-July 2021)

Class 1: Where Did the Bible Come From and Who Wrote the Bible? (April 25)

Class 2: Scripture Is God-Breathed and True (May 2)

Class 3: How to View the Old Testament (May 9)

Class 4: How to View the New Testament, Part 1 (May 16)

Class 5: How to View the New Testament, Part 2 (May 23)

Class 6: How to View the New Testament, Part 3 (May 30)

Class 7: Why Believe the Bible Is God's Word? (June 6)

Class 8: Questions and Answers (June 13)

Class 9: How to Read the Bible: Reading Narratives (June 20)

Class 10: How to Read the Bible: Reading the Gospels (June 27)

Class 11: How to Read the Bible: Reading the Letters and the Gospels (July 3)