The Source of Our Trials
This Sunday's Theme:
God Completes Us
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Hymn: "O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer"
Call to Worship: Ephesians 4:11-13
Prayer of Praise
Hymn: "It Is Well with My Soul"
Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:21-23
Prayer of Confession
Scriptural Assurance of Pardon: Psalm 130:3-4
Hymn: "Yet Not I but through Christ in Me"
Dismissal for Kids' Ministry
Congregational Greeting
Scripture Reading: James 1:1-12
Sermon on 1 Peter 5:12-14: "The Source of Our Trials"
Hymn: "Blessed Be Your Name"
Hymn: "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High"
Moment of Silence
Benediction: Philippians 3:14-15
Series: Trials and Temptations: Two Sermons on James
Trials and Temptations is a two-part series from guest preacher David Gough.