This Sunday's Theme:
God Is Lord Over All the Earth
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Call to Worship: Psalm 47:6-7
Hymn: "God Is Over All"
Hymn: "All Praise to Him"
Prayer of Praise
Scripture Reading: Acts 17:24-27
Prayer of Petition
Hymn: "How Great Thou Art"
Dismissal for Kids' Ministry
Congregational Greeting
Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:6-11
Sermon on Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:6-11: "Go Out!"
Hymn: "Good and Gracious King"
Hymn: "I Will Sing"
Moment of Silence
Benediction: Psalm 115:14-15
The Lord’s Supper
We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the last Sunday of every month. If you are a member of Providence Baptist Church or a baptized member of another gospel-believing church, we invite you to celebrate Communion with us using the prepackaged elements located inside each of the three entrances to the Worship Center.
Children in Church, Family Room, and Kids' Ministry
Providence offers Kids' Ministry for the Sunday Worship Service. Kids worship with their families until just before the sermon. At that point, kids leave the Worship Service for age-appropriate gospel-centered curriculum. Kids will rejoin the Worship Service for the final two songs of the service. Simply check your kids in at the Kiosk in the Church Foyer prior to service.
Providence also welcomes children of all ages to worship with their families during the entirety of the worship service. Every sound and movement are joyful reminders that children are a precious gift from the Lord.
We also provide a Family Room for younger children and nursing mothers.
Lunch After Church
We invite everyone to lunch in the Green Room on the first and third Sunday of every month. Kids are welcome and can also play in the Gym.
Prayer After Lunch
We invite everyone to prayer in the Green Room after lunch on the first and third Sunday of every month. This is a time of corporate prayer where we pray for the spread of the gospel, the spiritual and numerical growth of the church--local and universal--and for each of us to grow in Christ-likeness.
Offering boxes will be available to the left and right of the main entrance of the church. You may also give online or mail your gifts to Providence Baptist Church, 8980 Brook Road, McLean, VA, 22102.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions
Before coming to Providence – either for a Sunday service or during the week – please consider the following:
- Those who are sick or unwell, or live with others who are sick or unwell, should not come to the church building.
- If you or anyone in your household has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19 please follow the CDC’s recommendations.